Spelsberg AB

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In a fire, you can depend on our new cable junction and connection boxes

30, 60, 90 minutes after the outbreak of a fire, junction boxes from our WKE 2-6 series ensure that electrical systems continue to work during the fire. Sounding the fire alarm system comes at the start of the reaction chain. Emergency lighting marks the evacuation route and pressure boosting systems are required to operate for up to 90 minutes after the fire starts. The products in our LIFELINE range stand for the intelligent interplay between innovative product designs and top quality heat and fire resistant materials and components. This guarantees that all relevant safety systems continue to function without interruption in a fire, even under the toughest conditions. Spelsberg utilises materials here including high performance polycarbonate, which is non-conductive during a fire and therefore does not cause a short circuit. In this way, Spelsberg guarantees completely reliable intrinsic fire resistance ex works – and therefore ensures that more time is available to protect lives in an emergency.

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