Spelsberg AB

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The new Abox | Abox Pro

A successful generation change.

In a world of constant change, the demands on electricians are also constantly increasing. In an industry characterised by further development, the many years of experience of older generations meet the innovative ideas of young talents – an unbeatable combination. We utilise this to pave the way for pioneering technologies and progress. Our new junction boxes Abox | Abox Pro combine the best of both worlds, setting new standards in efficiency and performance. We understand the dynamics of the electrical industry and know that flexibility and reliability are key. To simplify your day-to-day work, we have developed our new Abox, which not only meets current standards, but is also up to the challenges of tomorrow. With us, you don’t have to think – you can “just do it”!

Abox Pro industrial and unprotected outdoor areas Made for extreme requirements.

Maximum protection under challenging conditions – that’s why we developed the new Abox Pro. Thanks to high-quality components and a robust design, the new junction boxes guarantee high impact resistance and protect against water, heat and sunlight. The patented multiple knock-out membranes enable simple and clean knock-out, while the choice of entries and cable diameters remains flexible. The ability to mount mounting rails, PCBs or mounting plates makes the Abox Pro extremely versatile. With it, we are setting new standards in terms of reliability and adaptability.
The XT version of the Abox Pro is also ideal for installation in the ground and in flooded areas. The Abox Pro can also be installed under the high requirements of the agricultural and agricultural sector as well as shipping.

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