15-16 oct 2025, Kistamässan, Stockholm

The biggest show within electrical installation, lighting and fiber in the Nordic

Welcome to Elmässan, big event for the electricity and lighting industry! We have been organized at Kistamässan, Stockholm since 2004 and are today an obvious meeting place for thousands of electricians, installers, project managers, property owners and many more.

Do you want to discover the latest products and news in installation, lighting and fiber? Then you’ve come to the right place. At the fair. Sweden’s leading suppliers exhibit and give you the solutions on how to make your work more efficient.

Every year, we also have a packed seminar program on two stages where you can increase your knowledge and competence around new rules, laws and standards. Completely free of charge!

Utställare med besökare

What's happening at Elmässan?

There is a lot going on at the Elmässan! Hundreds of exhibitors, a full program of seminars, competitions and half-day conferences, and much more…

Utställare på Elmässan

Do you want to exhibit?

Do you have the products and innovations the industry needs? Welcome to contact us to put together your stand package at the Elmässan!

Smart Badge

We are a smart event

You as a visitor can gather information about the stands you visit by flicking your visitor card at their reader. Smart and efficient!

Bild från mässa

Visit us in Malmö!

Elmässan in Malmö takes place at Malmömässan every two years. It has been organized since 2012 and is a unique meeting place as it runs parallel to its sister fair FastighetsMässan. Together, a larger meeting place is formed with clear synergies in areas such as solar energy, charging and lighting.

Do you want to know more about the Elmässan in Malmö? Check out the website.

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