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In our new PhaseBox 2.0, we build on the success of PhaseBox One. The same proven design with maximum safety and efficiency. We have thought carefully about WiFi connection and load balancing. It is not intended that the installer should have to work with the end customer’s network and settings. This makes many shy away from working with charging boxes at all. We have therefore removed the uncertainty surrounding the installation of a charging box by completely replacing WiFi for load balancing with an automatic radio connection. The technology around the new load balancing in PhaseBox 2.0 is patent pending. Our new patent pending load balancing PhaseLink transfers measured values ​​to the charging box completely autonomously and automatically with the help of a radio signal. We have developed a radio link that sends the values ​​from the feed completely independently of the end customer’s network. Either to a charging box, or several charging boxes, for example in a BRF. The radio link is very powerful and reaches hundreds of meters. It copes with brick walls and metal cabinets without problems. PhaseLink has sockets for energy meters on the supply, both for RJ45 and RJ12 in the same unit. Everything to make it easy to work with. You can easily check that the radio link works directly in the charging box. Of course without connection or apps.

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